Virtual Company Visit for Student of Accountant Profession Education, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada Batch 39
On February 18th , 2021, Accountant Profession Education, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada held a virtual company visit for PPAk FEB UGM Student Batch 39. The objects of the virtual company visit were PT Mataram City and KAP Grant Thornton Indonesia (KAP Gani Sigiro Handayani ).
The virtual company visit was attended by all PPAk FEB UGM students Batch 39. The purpose of the company visit was to increase students’ insight about the practices carried out by the company. In addition, the purpose of the company visit is to increase students’ interest to work in certain industries.
Director of PT Mataram City, Mr.Bogat Agus Riyono, M.Sc, Ak, CA became the presenter of the first session. He presented many things including PT Saraswanti Indoland Development as the developer of the Mataram City apartment. He talked about the prospects and challenges for the apartment business. In that session, he also discussed accounting for property, namely the recognition of sales, determining the cost of goods sold and so on. The important thing he said was that anyone can achieve success by working hard.
The second session of the virtual company visit was presented by KAP Grant Thornton Indonesia (KAP Gani, Sigiro Handayani). The event was hosted by HR Staff Mrs Aretha Krishnamurti. Mr. Ciwi Paino (Partner), Mr. Tarius Wirawan (Head of Human Resources) and many staff members of KAP Grant Thornton Indonesia attended this event. It is started with a virtual office tour and continued with a presentation session. Mr. Ciwi Paino stated that there are many opportunities for FEB UGM graduates to join KAP Grant Thornton to become a public accountant. The event was continued with a question and answer session with all participants. Some of the students asked about how to perform audits during the pandemic, job opportunities and so on. Virtual company visit was closed with a photo session.