Softskill training for graduates is routine agenda carried out by the Accountant Profession Education Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada. This event aims to provide an insight for PPAk FEB UGM graduates that softskill plays a very important role for the future. Softskill training for PPAk FEB UGM Batch 36 graduate was held on November 28th, 2019.
Dr. Sumaryono, the speaker, stated that, beside hardskill, softskill determines the future success. After completing the study, of course, all graduates will apply for a job, so they all should prepare both their hardskills and softskills.
Company recognizes the importance of softskills in the workplace, so it is very important to put softskills at the forefront of job application. Softskill shows that people understand the different characteristics that will help the people succeed within an institution and within a specific position. Softskills include : integrity, effective communication, open mindedness, teamwork, creativity and so on, and these all determines your future success in the organization/institution. The speaker stated clearly to all audiences.
This event ended at 16.00 and closed with question and answer session