On Tuesday, December 1st, 2020, PPAk FEB UGM in collaboration with the Supreme Audit Board Representative of East Java Province held a socialization regarding BPK to PPAk FEB UGM Student Batch 39. This event was held virtually due to COVID – 19 pandemic.
The activity aims to broaden the knowledge of PPAk FEB UGM students regarding the role and duties of the Supreme Audit Board to supervise state finances. This activity was attended by 51 students PPAk FEB UGM students batch 39. The Head of PPAk FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Slamet Sugiri, MBA gave the opening remarks. He expressed his appreciation to the BPK Representative of East Java for giving opportunities for PPAk FEB UGM students to make virtual visit to the agency.
Supreme Audit Board Representative of East Jawa Province presented M. Mirza Akbar as the speaker. He explained the role, duties and responsibility of Supreme Audit Board. Its vision is to become a trusted audit agency that plays an active role in creating quality and useful state financial governance to achieve the country’s objectives. Meanwhile, Supreme Audit Board mission is to examine the governance and accountability of state finances to provide recommendations, opinions and considerations. The duty of Supreme Audit Board includes: perform audit of central government, regional government, State Owned Enterprise, Public Service, Regional Owned Enterprises and all other institutions that manage state finances . One of the Supreme Audit Board’s authority is to determine the object of the audit, plan and carry out the audit.
At the end of the program, Supreme Audit Board East Jawa Province conducted a quiz for all participants. The program was ended by a photo session.